Marrakech Task Force (MTF) on Sustainable Public Procurement.

The MTF on SPP was set up to "To promote and support the implementation of Sustainable Public Procurement, by developing tools and supporting capacity building in both developed and developing countries".

MTF SPP Factsheet

The Marrakech Task Force on Sustainable Public Procurement was set up as part of the Marrakech Process. What is the Marrakech Process.

A document produced by UNEP to provide information on the Marrakech Process answers the question ,'What is the Marrakech Process?' in the following way. It states

"The Marrakech Process is a global multi-stakeholder process to support the implementation of Sustainable Consumption and Production (SCP) and the elaboration of a 10-Year Framework of Programmes on SCP (10YFP). The proposal for the 10YFP will be reviewed by the Commission on Sustainable Development (CSD) during the 2010/11 two-year cycle. The Process responds to the call of the World Summit on Sustainable Development (WSSD) Johannesburg Plan of Implementation to support regional and national initiatives to accelerate the shift towards SCP patterns, thus de-linking economic growth from environmental degradation."

There is more informatiion about the Marrakech Process on the UNEP website.

Capacity Building for Sustainable Public Procurement Project.

UNEP, with the financial support of Switzerland, is conducting a study on the impacts of Sustainable public procurement (SPP). The study will outline the sustainable development and market transformation impacts of SPP practices through 8 case studies. This study falls within the scope of UNEP's Capacity Building for Sustainable Public Procurement project, supported by the European Commission, the Organization of Francophone countries and the Swiss Federal Office for the Environment.

Read the UNEP/Swiss Federal Office for the Environment Study on the Impacts of Sustainable Public Procurement.

Activity report of the Marrakech Task Force on Sustainable Public Procurement led by Switzerland, published in May 2011.

The final report of the Marrakech Task Force on Sustainable Public Procurement (MTF on SPP) is finalized and available using the link below . The report presents all the activities and outcomes of the MTF on SPP since its inception.


Policy Conclusions and Recommendations - A report on the resultsand lessons drawn from the pilot project implementation during the first ten years of the Marrakech Task Force on SPP.

In 2012 UNEP will launch the second phase of its Capacity Building for SPP Project, based on the revised MTF Approach to SPP and supported through a UNEP-hosted expert center which will give guidance to interested countries. Through this project, UNEP will scale-up the ongoing activities and provide SPP assistance to up to 20 countries within the next 3 years, directly or through partner organizations and individual experts.

The document 'Sustainable Public Procurement; Policy Conclusions and Recommendations' can be viewed here.

Sustainable Procurement Training delivered to a group of international procurement experts using the Marrakech Approach to SPP.

The MTF approach to sustainable public procurement was used to train an international group of procurement experts in Freiburg, Germany in April 2011. Organised jointly by the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP), and ICLEI and delivered by Barbara Morton of Sustainable Procurement Limited the training session reflects the widespread recognition and adoption of the Marrakech approach to sustainable pulic procurement training.

Find out more about the training delivered on the ICLEI web site.

The 4th Newsletter of the Marrakech Task Force on Sustainable Public Procurement.

In Decemeber 2010 the 4th issue of the Marrakech Task Force on Sustainable Public Procurement was published. The newsletter gives details of the progress of public procurement development in selected pilot countries.

View the 4th Newsletter of the MTF on SPP here.

The Marrakech Task Force Approach to Sustainable Public Procurement

The MTF Approach to SPP has gained significant recognition around the World and has been adopted in a number of countries. A clear and concise explanation of the MTF Approach to SPP is available on the UNEP website.

UNEP website giving an explanation of the MTF Approach to SPP.

Training of Trainers required for the MTF Approach to SPP

Barbara Morton has delivered training designed to provide those already experienced in public procurement with the knowledge to train others in the MTF Approach to SPP. A typical presentation used in the 'Training of Trainers@ programme is available at the link below.

Training of Trainers presentation used by Barbara Morton.